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Why are we Blackshirts?

Updated: Mar 11, 2024

Many are curious as to why we wear the black shirt; why not be represented by another color? There are plenty of obvious implications to calling oneself a blackshirt.

We are the "American" Blackshirts first and foremost because we are Americans living in the American context of the 21st century. America at this point, like much of the western world, is in a decline. We are very much no longer in the golden age of America. American society has been domesticated; the attitude of the explorers and conquerors who founded and formed our nation is nearly extinct in the character of modern American men. Our post-industrial society has made Western men in general more complacent. Pornography and social media are destroying the dopamine and drive of would-be brave individuals. The processed food that we eat has a sharp decline in nutrition compared to the last 40 years of food production. America has devolved due to the spirit of liberalism, a materialist ideology from the 17th century that boasts about giving the individual maximum freedom. Freedom, as shown by the fruits of liberalism, has led us to today's America. Today's America has produced weaker people in all aspects of life, be it physically, mentally, spiritually, or intellectually. Our children are being indoctrinated into degenerate ideologies. We are being flooded with an unlimited stream of foreigners and aliens who have nothing in common with our values or traditions. Our system doesn't care about the working-class American, merely lining up the pockets for those of the Bourgeois class. America has become occupied by those with dual loyalties to foreign entities. Our democracy is nothing more than a puppet of those with the highest capital. The truth is, American society and culture did not simply become highjacked in the past 20 years, as mainstream conservatives wish to preach. We do not wish to merely go back to an arbitrary amount of X years or decades. The problems with America come back to its foundational ideology, liberalism. Liberalism is the reason why the kings of old were murdered, the spirit was shackled in the service of the "rights of man,"  and the idea of equality promoted by liberalism: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The quote shown above, which was penned by Thomas Jefferson and stylized by Benjamin Franklin, is a foundational reason for why America is in a multicultural rot today. We affirm that equality is a false god. We wish to preserve the noble traditions of America while discarding the useless and abstract ideas inherited from liberalism, which led us to today.

With most of our grievances listed, we, as Americans, seek alternatives.

The American Blackshirt as the alternative.

We have described the "American" context of the American blackshirts. Now we will explain the context of the "blackshirt.". Looking at modern history from an ideological perspective, we can see segments of history being dominated by certain ideologies. After the protestant reformation and the enlightenment came the dominance of liberalism, which was championed as the alternative to what appeared to some (but not all) as the tyranny of the monarchy. Liberalism dismantled the last vestiges of the Roman system in Europe, namely the Holy Roman Empire. Liberalism found itself dominating during the height of European expansion.

As the industrial revolution started, the economic form of liberalism, known as capitalism, became apparent for its many injustices to workers. Socialism was created as a modern response to liberalism. While there are many forms of socialism, plenty of which are non-Marxist socialism, the materialist socialism that Marx and Engels pushed would proceed to cause revolutions and uproar across the world in the name of the proletariat. Marxist socialism inherited the anti-clerical nature of liberalism and, as a result, wished to crush the spiritual nature of men. After the First World War, the monarchies of Europe sealed their fates. Vladmir Lenin, aided and financed by Kaiser Wilhelm II, destroyed the Russian empire and replaced it with an atheist and talmudist state. During the interwar years (1919–1939), thoughts of alternative politics that were contrary to liberalism and Marxist-Socialism were flourishing . The third position that was being created during the inter war years does infact stem from the philosopher Hegel's critiques of liberalism. Europe and even America were under constant terror from red violence.

Benito Mussolini, a former socialist and veteran of the First World War, rallied the Blackshirts in Italy to power. After the Italian Blackshirts marched on Rome and gained power in 1922, The success of the Italian Blackshirts and the first iteration of fascism went on to spawn many different movements that were not only isolated in Europe, as some critics may believe. This new third position, which was heralded by the Italian Blackshirts, spread to as far as China (the Blue Shirts), Russia (the Russian Fascist Party), and even America (the Silver Legion). We do not wish to be a carbon copy of the Italian Blackshirts, in the same way Sir Oswald Mosley explained the British Blackshirts were not a copy. During the interwar years, the third position brought a great revival and revolution to a defeated Europe.

We wish to bring forth a new America that will be superior to the previous incarnations of America. We, as the American Blackshirts Movement, are not the first to try this in America; however, philosophically and intellectually, there was a complete bankruptcy of Third Position thought during and after the Second World War... Patriotism in post-modern America has become a parody, with only a handful of Americans being what we would consider "true patriots." The GOP Establishment constantly tests the loyalty of its members by becoming consistently progressive. We affirm that both Democrats and Republicans have more in common than being dissimilar. We are not satisfied with our democratic system, which does not benefit Americans. Voting for the establishment is a fraud to give Americans the illusion of control.

... And so we wear the black shirt. We wear the black shirt because the color black best expresses the iron determination we have against what seems to be an impossible scenario. Wearing the Blackshirt is a statement of stoic bravery that we don't care about the power of moneyed interests. We don't give a damn. America is a descendant of the long line of heirs that the Roman civilization spawned. We will take the Fasces, the symbol of the Roman spirit of unity, order, and discipline, which America has always used in iconography, to cut the Tree of Liberty back to it's base and necessary functions. We are not satisfied with mere complaining online. Being stuck in Plato's Cave. We will do what we can to enact change in a positive manner that would make our ancestors proud!

Thought and Action.

Faith and works.

This is why we are the American Blackshirts Movement.


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