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Memorial Day.

It is right and just to honor the dead.  To put on a uniform and serve one’s nation in war is a noble act and those who have died fighting America’s wars embodied the highest ideals and virtues of the American people.  They were the best of us.  May their names and memories live forever.

But secondly, we must not flinch from the truth that all of the wars which America has fought in for more than a century have been fought on false pretenses.  The men who died left home because they loved their home and their people, but the wars did not serve the interests of either, and the outcomes of these wars have only benefited a class of parasites who are destroying our nation and nations all over the world.

America is a Nation with a noble and glorious heritage of patriots and heroes whose only regret was that they had but one life to give.  To those men, this Nation was worth fighting and dying for, and we believe it still is.

But the United States, by contrast, as it exists right now is not a country that we can be proud of.  In the ways which matter most, it is not really our country anymore anyways.  We treasure our history and our heroes who have fought under the Stars and Stripes, but the US has become a global exporter of chaos, disorder, corruption, degeneracy, godlessness, and all kinds of evil.

The red poppy that we cherish Memorial Day has become a symbol of remembrance for the men who gave their lives, in reference to the poem, In Flanders Fields, by John McCrae:

“Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flander’s Fields.”

We must keep the faith.  The foe always was and is the parasites and the distorters who sent those heroes to their deaths while transforming their beloved home into something they could never recognize.  We honor the dead by rejecting the lies, standing against the subversive, parasitic enemy with the same resolution that our heroes have demonstrated on the battlefield, dedicating ourselves to the cause of preserving and restoring this nation that they loved.


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