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Blackshirt Speeches to the American Nationalists.

Speech from the Chairman.

Greetings My fellow Americans, blackshirts, patriots, fascists, and nationalists, including those of the socialist variety, I'm the chairman of the American Blackshirts Movement. I am very grateful for the platform that the Blackshirts have tonight. I hope our words spark vigor and zeal in you all.

Americans are at the dawn of a new era. We cannot be idle during this time of rapid decline. Our enemies are many, and our friends are few. As men of European heritage, we have the responsibility of being trailblazers and explorers. The revolutionary European spirit did not die seventy-nine years ago. The whole world is tired of democracy and Zionism. Americans and the western world are rapidly seeing alternatives. The words fascist, nationalist, and patriot do not have the sting they used to have. Let us not be satisfied with the old methods and modes of political systems. Our enemies occupied the government because the past generations were satisfied with their material conditions and did not consider the future generations. We must be revolutionaries!

America and the whole of the western world are being invaded and replaced. The demographic problems won't be solved by democracy. Our economic problems won't be solved by capitalism. We need a total change in the system. Subsequently, we need a total change as individuals. Let us be accountable to ourselves and to our families. To our communities, to our people, and to God. In practice, liberty is not a right. We must reject the fake liberty of pleasure and desire. Liberty is something that must be earned through struggle. We may very well be the last men of the West, so let us have infinite scorn in our hearts and an unconquerable determination. As an American black shirt, I am united, along with my brother black shirts, in the belief that a great land may live. I will not wait till I'm old and frail for things to get better. I want change in my lifetime. I believe the same is true of you all here tonight. Fortune favors the bold. Thank you, and good night.

Speech from South Texas lead.

Brother Blackshirts, and other esteemed comrades in the struggle, I am honored to speak to you today as a fellow soldier fighting for revolution in the spirit of our people.

I have been a fighting man for most of my adult life, wearing a uniform and following orders, going where I was told to go, and fighting who I was told to fight, out of a sense of duty to God and country.  I was a teenager when I watched the twin towers fall, and from that day, I was determined to commit my life to defending America from foreign enemies that I believed were bent on wiping out everything that I loved.  During my time in the Marine Corps, I did harbor suspicions and was even exposed to what are called “conspiracy theories,” about what we were really doing, expanding the American system to the edges of the world at the point of a gun.  However, I willfully ignored those suspicions, because I wanted to fight, and I wanted to believe that we were fighting for something noble.  When I left Aghanistan for the last time in June, 2021, 6958 American troops had been killed in the war on terror.  Two months later, 13 Marines from my old battalion, 2/1 became the last Americans killed in action, bringing the official total to 6971.  The system we were fighting for was not worthy of one of them.

Those festering suspicions have been confirmed.  The American system of governance -“Our Democracy,” as it is called- is evil.  Irredeemably evil.  This system claims its legitimacy by purporting to represent the will of people, but in truth elections are won (legitimately or illegitimately) by those with the greatest means of persuasion to manipulate the opinions and ideas of the people.  These means- press, media, academia- are for sale, and so the real power is the power of Money.  This system promotes not those with the greatest loyalty and commitment to their people, the greatest sense of courage and duty to fight and sacrifice on their behalf, but those with the greatest personal ambition and willingness to manipulate and exploit others for their own advancement.  In a system which rewards the most unscrupulous and selfish kinds of people, we should not be too surprised to find that we are not only governed by degenerate scum bags, but we are in fact ruled by those who have no moral inhibition about using sexual deviancy, including pedophilia, as an effective tool for strengthening their influence and political control.

This system does not represent the American people. It despises them.  Of the two choices we are presented with, one party openly seeks to replace the American people with more pliant populations from the third world while the other proudly proclaims that America’s great purpose is to provide blood and treasure to act as security guarantor for the rising power of the antichrist state of Israel.  In truth, neither party opposes either of these objectives in any serious way, and they are both tools used in a dialectic fashion by a clique of parasitic, cultural aliens who are avowed enemies of everything that is good and beautiful.

Thousands of lives lost in foreign wars, endless millions of third world invaders welcomed into our borders, undeniable evidence of the most vile and grotesque corruption exhibited by the revelations of the Epstein sex blackmail operation, the experience of the first Trump presidency -our last good faith attempt to rehabilitate the American system, and the abuses of 2020 and afterward have taught us all we need to know about this regime.  It is entirely depraved and unworthy of the American People- a people of great courage, genius, and faith WHO CAN NEVER BE REPLACED.  This system absolutely cannot be rehabilitated, reconciled, or compromised with.  It must be completely demolished.

But the system is not America.  There still is an America worth fighting for and it isn’t some abstract system of “democracy” that we should ever imagine a need to export to the other side of the world, because it particular to our shores and to our people.

America is a nation with a glorious heritage of pilgrims, adventurers, pioneers, and patriots, an unmistakeable spirit characterized by a passion for liberty and justice, and a manifest destiny to rule this continent as an outpost of the Christian European Civilization from which our nation springs.  To quote the US Army motto, This we’ll defend.


And in our struggle to preserve and to restore our nation we look for inspiration to the men who our evil oppressors hate and fear most- the best men of the last century who fought to preserve Christian Europe in the face of the same wicked forces that dominate America today.  Men such as Benito Mussolini, Corneliu Codreanu, Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, Oswald Mosley, Leon Degrelle, and of course, Adolf Hitler.  79 years since the defeat of the defenders of Western Civilization, our present struggle for the soul of America is best understood as a continuation of that larger struggle.  Our enemies are in power, our heroes are dead and we have no choice but to live up to their example and produce a new generation of heroes to fight for our nation and for our greater civilization.

That a great land may live.

Hail Victory.

Christ is King.


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