The American Blackshirts Movement is the culmination of dismayed and disenfranchised individuals who look at the America that our fathers and grandfathers remember and see nothing close to what the American Dream stands for. Our society is so morally bankrupt that we have to choose to accept mass delusion or lose our employment, our friends, and our family. And ostracized from society. Our beliefs are nothing more than what our great-grandfathers would have approved of.
Americans First
We at the American Blackshirts Movement believe in America First, America Only. We should only be taking care of Americans before we can help anyone else. How can we sit here and give away billions of dollars to American taxpayers? When 41 million Americans can barely afford or endure hunger hardships, and nearly 17 percent of children in the US do not know when they will get to eat next, we have over 800,000 veterans of foreign wars who are currently homeless, with no access to benefits and no help from the government, who sacrificed their lives, limbs, and minds for this great nation. And they were abandoned by the government they had entrusted and believed in. Because they were lied to.
Responsible Government
Our government's spending is not only out of control. But our tax-paying dollars are spent on things that we, the people, do not get a say in. And it leads to the blatant corruption in our nation that we can see on the television screen. Our nation is led by criminals who laugh and hate us, lining their pockets with our hard-earned money.
We fight for a government that is not only transparent but also answerable to the American people. Our "elected officials" do not fear the American people. They have to gaslight us to keep us quiet. They have to demonize their opposition to keep us docile. They have to divide us to keep us from turning on them.
Pro America
H1b Visas have robbed the American people of jobs and wealth. The Democrats have been our enemies by mass importing illegal immigration to bolster their ranks, buy their votes, and then steal our people's wealth. While American children starve and American families struggle under the weight. Now more than ever, poverty has hit the American people. We should not be outsourcing our nationalism to other nations. They come to America and dog our nation, then fly the flag of the nation they just escaped, as if they are proud of being from that state. Then return to that state and fix your nation's issues.
No Immigration.
With the amount of uncontrolled immigration coming in, if we support zero immigration, then we must clamp down on our border security. The Democrats have made our border open to not only human traffickers who kidnap American children. With a statistic of 2300 children reported missing every single day, how can we ensure they don't cross the border? We support not only a walled border with Mexico but also entrusting and giving the Border Patrol the teeth they need. It's okay for every other nation to have walls on their borders with machine gun nests. America has the right to defend it's borders.
Militarize and revitalize Border Patrol; give them the protection and authority they so desperately need. The Border Patrol needs to be a speed bump into America with enough teeth that even the largest drug cartels in Mexico will think twice before opening fire on our Border Patrol officers. And authorize them to stop the flow of drugs, smuggled humans, and terrorists by any and all means necessary. Give them qualified immunity from their actions. If they are not American citizens, they are not entitled to American rights and protections. They are illegal immigrants. They are already coming into our nation as criminals for unknown, potentially nefarious, and insidious reasons.
We also wish to prosecute with harsh punishment any and all politicians, lawyers, judges, and Border Patrol agents that have hindered the securing of the border. End the invasion.
Pro Labor
t the things that we buy are made in America. And American laborers should be proud of the work they do. But how can you when the laborer is kept down under the thumb of billionaires? Who preached to us that they were in the same boat as us during lockdowns? While they sipped martini's from 1000-dollar liquor bottles on their yachts, in their 10-million-dollar home. Then we received the record-breaking profits ever, and yet we still "didn't have the budget" to give much-needed raises to the American people.
The American laborer works for as little as $7.25 an hour. The federally mandated minimum wage as it stands has left the American people in shackles. No longer can anyone make a living; now they must hold three full-time jobs to afford rent and enjoy their lives.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt stated:
"In my inaugural, I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business that depends for its existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By “business” I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level—I mean the wages of decent living."
Pro Small Business
The pursuit of happiness and manifest destiny are two of the most important American ideals we can imagine. The Pursuit of Happiness has encouraged and allowed even the smallest individuals to boost their dreams. Small businesses are the backbone of our nation's goods and commerce. Walk into any small shop that isn't a massive retailer. And see the pride taken in their space. It's cozy, it's comfy, and it feels like there was love put into this store. Not the sterile, clean vacancy of personality. Why? Massive retailers do not put their heart and soul into their workplace. They prioritize profits over people. The small businesses of America know that if they prioritize people, profits will come.
We must protect small businesses from the rampant greed of these massive companies. Whoever sends in secret shoppers finds out about their competition and then returns to their corporate overlords, who then sell the same things at such low prices that they are no longer profiting, only to drive small businesses out and be unable to compete with such low pricing that they close their doors. And then those retailers take those same items and sell them for the same price once competition is gone, as the small business was charging. Capitalism, unchecked and uncontrolled, has become such a disgusting thing in America. Any moral fiber within companies has become nothing more than wolves slaughtering flocks of sheep because they know they can weather the storm long enough to drive their competition into extinction.
Anti-Foreign Interests
The American Blackshirts believe that until every single American child has food in their belly, until every American family has a home, until every American is off the streets and not relying entirely on charity, and until every American veteran is taken off the streets and gets the treatment they need, we should not send a single US tax-paying dollar overseas for foreign aid. We are not responsible for the world's prosperity. Especially at the cost of American people. We are not the world's police officers. So we should not be sending American lives to die in foreign lands on behalf of people who hate us.
We do not care about any country but America. America First. America Only. America Forever. If you are not American, your interests do not matter to us. We will not tolerate threats of America.
Pro Family
Without the family, there is no nation. We must have strong and healthy families to ensure the future of America. Having a family is both a spiritual and a moral duty as a member of the American nation. It is not enough to merely have children; we also need to support our children with the best we can offer in all aspects of life.
Workers' Rights
The American worker must have economic freedom. Economic freedom is only achieved for an individual when he is secure financially. We affirm that American workers must have their rights secured and promoted. Living wages are non-negligible. Workers must be able to thrive in America for America to succeed.
Tripartite Corporatism
Tripartite corporatism is our alternative to the economic liberalism known as capitalism and the materialist system of socialism. Tripartite, meaning three parts (state, labor, and business), and Corporatism, meaning guilds or bodies (many mistake Corporatism to be a misnomer called "Corporatacracy," which is the rule of the business class).
Tripartite, meaning three parts (state, labor, and business), and Corporatism, meaning guilds or bodies (many mistake Corporatism to be a misnomer called "Corporatacracy," which is the rule of the business class).We wish for class cooperation. This is our ideal, but we are not running away from the current reality of class warfare that the capitalist system and socialist thought have brought to America.